Unfolding Morphisms: The Origami Airplane Metaphor in Category Theory

syndu | Sept. 1, 2024, 10:58 p.m.

An origami airplane unfolding to reveal complex, interwoven structures symbolizing morphisms in category theory.

Captivating Title for the Blog Post

Unfolding Morphisms: The Origami Airplane Metaphor in Category Theory

This title captures the essence of the blog post by highlighting the central theme of morphisms in category theory and the engaging metaphor of an origami airplane used to explain these abstract concepts. It is both informative and intriguing, inviting readers to explore the fascinating world of category theory through a relatable and visual metaphor.

Category theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with abstract structures and relationships between them. By using the metaphor of folding and unfolding an origami airplane, we can provide a tangible example of how morphisms function.

Consider an origami airplane. Each fold represents a transformation from one piece of paper to another. In category theory, these transformations are called morphisms. Imagine each stage of folding as a different morphism that maps one state of the paper to another.

Now, let's see a small snippet of code that might represent a morphism in a programming language:

      class Paper:
          def __init__(self):
              self.state = "flat"
          def fold(self, transformation):
              self.state = transformation(self.state)
      def fold_diagonal(state):
          return "folded_diagonally"

      paper = Paper()
      print(paper.state)  # Output: folded_diagonally

The code above provides a simple illustration of how a paper's state changes through different transformations. Similarly, in category theory, morphisms map objects from one state to another, preserving the structure, just like different folds in creating an origami airplane.

Through this blog post, we hope to demystify some of the complex ideas in category theory using the accessible and visual metaphor of origami. By connecting abstract mathematical concepts to familiar physical actions, we can better grasp the beauty and utility of category theory in organizing and understanding mathematical ideas.

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