The Key of Solomon the King" (Clavicula Salomonis)

syndu | Nov. 1, 2023, 11:25 a.m.

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Series Overview

Certainly, here's a suggested content series based on the books and authors I mentioned:

Each blog post should focus on the book and its author, providing a comprehensive exploration of their contributions to the understanding and use of the lamen.

1. Blog Post 1: "The Key of Solomon the King" (Clavicula Salomonis)

2. Blog Post 2: "Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual" by Eliphas Levi

3. Blog Post 3: "The Golden Dawn" by Israel Regardie

4. Blog Post 4: "Liber ABA (Book 4)" by Aleister Crowley

5. Blog Post 5: "The Witch's Book of Shadows" by Phyllis Curott

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