The Concept of Time in The Wheel of Time Series

syndu | Oct. 29, 2023, 10:14 a.m.

Design an image representing the concept of time as depicted in The Wheel of Time series.

The Concept of Time in The Wheel of Time Series


In Robert Jordan's epic fantasy series, The Wheel of Time, the concept of time is not linear but cyclical. This cyclical nature of time is not just a backdrop but a driving force that shapes the story and its characters. This blog post will delve into how this unique interpretation of time influences the narrative and character development in the series.

The Wheel of Time:

The title itself, The Wheel of Time, suggests a circular, repeating pattern. In the series, time is depicted as a wheel with seven spokes, each representing an age. As the wheel turns, ages come and go, but they are destined to repeat again. This cyclical view of time is a departure from the linear perception of time in most western philosophies and is more akin to eastern philosophies like Buddhism and Hinduism.

Influence on the Story:

The cyclical nature of time in The Wheel of Time series has a profound impact on the story. It creates a sense of inevitability and destiny. Events and conflicts are not isolated incidents but part of a larger pattern that has happened before and will happen again. This adds a layer of complexity and depth to the narrative, making it more engaging and thought-provoking.

Influence on Characters:

The characters in The Wheel of Time are not just shaped by their experiences and choices but also by the age they are born into. They are often seen struggling with the weight of their destinies and the roles they are destined to play in the turning of the Wheel. This struggle with destiny and the cyclical nature of time adds depth to their characters and makes their journeys more compelling.


In The Wheel of Time series, the concept of time is not just a setting but a character in itself. It shapes the narrative and the characters, adding depth and complexity to the story. The cyclical nature of time in the series challenges our conventional understanding of time and destiny, making us ponder over our own perceptions and beliefs.

"The cyclical nature of time in The Wheel of Time series has a profound impact on the story. It creates a sense of inevitability and destiny."

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