syndu | Oct. 6, 2023, 8 p.m.
Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It is built by experienced developers and takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up a Django development environment.
Django is a Python framework, so the first step in setting up your Django development environment is to install Python. You can download Python from the official website. Make sure to install the latest version.
Once you have Python installed, you can install Django. The easiest way to do this is by using pip, which is a package manager for Python. You can install Django by running the following command in your terminal:
pip install Django
To verify that Django was installed correctly, you can run the following command:
python -m django --version
This should display the version of Django that you installed.
Now that Django is installed, you can create a new Django project by running the following command:
django-admin startproject myproject
Replace "myproject" with the name of your project.
Django comes with a lightweight web server for developing your applications. To start this server, navigate to your project directory and run the following command:
python runserver
You should see output indicating that the server is running, and you can access your application by navigating to in your web browser.
Setting up a Django development environment is a straightforward process. With Python and Django installed, you're ready to start developing your web applications. In the next blog post, we will discuss how to create a Django project and understand Django apps. Stay tuned!
In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up a Django development environment.